“I’m a 25-year-old Korean American ciswomen and I’ve been with my partner for 2 years. Since George Floyd’s death, I’ve done a lot of internal work to figure out how I’ve participated in systemic racism and I feel that I’ve grown a lot in my own racial identity and as a community member. My partner recently asked me to participate in his fantasy where he is dominating me and I play the role of the submissive, Asian princess. 😳 I feel some type of way about it. Am I being overly sensitive or was that just racist?”

“I’m a 25-year-old Korean American ciswomen and I’ve been with my partner for 2 years. Since George Floyd’s death, I’ve done a lot of internal work to figure out how I’ve participated in systemic racism and I feel that I’ve grown a lot in my own racial identity and as a community member. My partner recently asked me to participate in his fantasy where he is dominating me and I play the role of the submissive, Asian princess. 😳 I feel some type of way about it. Am I being overly sensitive or was that just racist?”

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