I love Bourbon. I also am a fan of keeping it real when it comes to all things related to “sexytimes”. Bourbon Talez is the product of my love of sexual empowerment and intelligence.
This is your opportunity to ask me questions regarding ANYTHING related to sexytimes (Don’t trip. This is confidential), and I will give you my input or advice while sipping on my bourbon bev.
Ask UC a Question!
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“I’m a 25-year-old Korean American ciswomen and I’ve been with my partner for 2 years. Since George Floyd’s death, I’ve done a lot of internal work to figure out how I’ve participated in systemic racism and I feel that I’ve grown a lot in my own racial identity and as a community member. My partner recently asked me to participate in his fantasy where he is dominating me and I play the role of the submissive, Asian princess. 😳 I feel some type of way about it. Am I being overly sensitive or was that just racist?”

“I’m a 30-year-old non-binary vulva owner and I’ve been noticing that I’ve been fantasizing A LOT more about having sex with other people during my sexytime encounter with my partner. 😳 It’s not every time, but it’s enough to have me a bit worried. Is this common? If so, when does fantasizing become problematic?”

“I’m a 31-year-old cis-female and I’ve been with my partner who’s a non-binary vagina owner for 3 years. We have a great sex life, but are noticing vaginal penetration is just not as pleasurable as outercourse and would like to explore that more. Any advice on how to make vaginal penetration more pleasurable?”

“I’m a 40-year-old year old woman and vagina owner and I’ve had 3 kids within 4 years and my youngest is 3 years old. My husband works full-time and a half and I stay at home and love it. However I cannot feel penetrative intercourse with my partner. Like, at all. Why is this happening and what toys do you recommend?”

“I’m a 28-year-old man and I’m dating a new guy who had a spinal cord injury and uses a wheelchair to get around. I’m ready to take the next step with sex, but I don’t know how to bring the subject up. I have questions, but I don’t want to insult him or put all the burden on educating me on him. Any advice?”

“My boyfriend wants me to perform anal play on him and I’ve never really thought about it, this I’m not super comfortable. I told him ‘no’ for now, and he ended up calling me “uptight”. How do I figure out if it’s something I want to do? And how do I let him down if I decide it’s not for me… without sounding ‘rigid’”.

“I’m a 38-year-old woman and I’ve been married to my wife for 7 years. I’m scheduled to have a hysterectomy in 3.5 months and I’m freaked out on what it will do to my sex life! we already have been struggling with sexual issues over the past 1.5 years. Any advice on how to prevent more issues after surgery?”